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November 2016

Changes to ISO protection class coding

Commercial eQuote will now use 2014 ISO Protection Classes effective Dec. 14, 2016. The old values will still be valid, but we will no longer be getting the #/9 or #/8B split values.

We will now begin to receive #/#X, #/#Y values returned from ISO. In a split class location, if you previously would have selected the 9 – now select the #X.

Example: If ISO returns a 3/9 today and you would have chosen the 9, now ISO will return 3/3X and you will choose the 3X.

10W is also a new valid value. 10W is applicable for a location more than 5 miles, but less than 7 miles from the responding fire department that also has a creditable water supply within 1,000 feet.

Old and new protection class code splits:

Current classificationProposed classification
1/9 1/1X
2/9 2/2X
3/9 3/3X
4/9 4/4X
5/9 5/5X
6/9 6/6X
7/9 7/7X
8/9 8/8X
9 9


Current classificationProposed classification
1/8B 1/1Y
2/8B 2/2Y
3/8B 3/3Y
4/8B 4/4Y
5/8B 5/5Y
6/8B 6/6Y
7/8B 7/7Y
8/8B 8/8Y
8B 8B

Commercial eQuote and Advantage will not change. The only changes you’ll see are the values from ISO.
eQuote ex.:  A new split value is retrieved from ISO

If no exact Protection Class is returned from ISO, the user will be able to choose from the complete listing.