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April 2016

One-stop-shop model lands agent new large account

We believe our outstanding relationships set us apart from other carriers. We aim to be easy to work with and provide outstanding support through relationships so you can land outstanding accounts.

 Our one-stop-shop model recently helped an agent land a commercial account with a major grocery store chain with $460,000 in total premium, including $345,000 of workers’ compensation coverage. Our commercial underwriter completed an account review and pre-qualification and then collaborated with Claims, Risk Management and Workers’ Compensation to prepare an insurance proposal that fulfilled all the insured’s insurance needs with coverage from The Motorists Insurance Group. 

The insured was very impressed with the risk management and claims capabilities Motorists offered and agreed to move their entire commercial account.

If your agency has a similar commercial account with various commercial coverage needs, contact your district sales manager or commercial underwriter to discuss how Motorists’ one-stop-shop model can help your agency land preferred commercial clients.