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October 2019

Make the flight part of your vacation

Don’t wait until you land in Maui to enjoy your time away from the office. Instead, follow the below tips to enjoy a relaxing trip as soon as you board the plane for the 2020 Leaders Conference.

  1. Catch up on your favorite show or book. Take advantage of some well-deserved quiet time, and dive into entertainment you haven’t had a chance to enjoy recently. Download episodes or movies to your device ahead of time so you don’t have to rely on in-flight Wi-Fi.
  2. Stretch it out. Unless you’re a power sleeper and can make it the whole flight in a deep slumber, remember to stand up and stretch periodically. Stretching on a flight helps your blood circulate and can reduce and eliminate muscle cramps.
  3. Adjust your watch/phone to Hawaiian-Aleutian Standard Time as soon as you board. This way, you’re ready to get a jumpstart on your amazing trip in the new time zone.
  4. Stay hydrated. Drinking water and keeping your body hydrated can help ward off jetlag, so pack a travel-friendly water bottle in your carry-on. Here’s a collapsible one available on Amazon.
  5. Make yourself comfortable. You’re on vacation! Ditch the suit and tie for relaxed clothing you can lounge in like shorts, a soft T-shirt and sneakers.

We’re excited to jet off to paradise and thank you for your hard work at the 2020 Leaders Conference in Maui, June 2-7, 2020. Watch this video to discover all Hawaii’s most beautiful island has to offer, and learn how you can qualify to join us.